Standing tall above this print area is a Z-axis of 340 mm, 60 mm less than on the Creality CR-10 3d printer, the printer the Ender 3 Max is closest to in terms of capability.
Standing tall above this print area is a Z-axis of 340 mm, 60 mm less than on the Creality CR-10 3d printer, the printer the Ender 3 Max is closest to in terms of capability.
The filament is fed by Creality’s stock extruder, complete with the opening precariously close to the lead screw. Space on the extruder housing for a filament sensor (not included), and similar space on the print head enclosure for a BLTouch bed leveling probe (also not included) show that the Ender 3 Max is designed to play nice with Creality’s ecosystem of separately purchasable – often OEM – upgrades.' ALL3DP REVIEW.
Integrated Structure
Dual Cooling Fans
Precise Printing
All-metal Extruder
Large Print Size
Carborundum Glass Platform
Linear Pulley System
Smart Sensor
Reliable Power Supply
Package Include:
Add 2KG Filament:Ender-3 Max + 2KG Filament(color send Random)
Add 10M Filament:Ender-3 Max + 10M Filament(color send Random)
Product Photos:

Creality Ender-3 Max FDM 300*300*340mm 3D printer
Add 2KG PLA filament